Tuesday 22 May 2018

Unit 22.2 Evaluation

The Game Script
(The screen was fading from black as Damien was slowly waking up. He woke up and looked around his environment)
Damien (feeling a bit dozy): Ahh...where am I...
(Damien was rubbing his head and then started looking around. He felt like it was time for him to   leave)
Damien: I need to leave this place
(Damien tried to move but was pinned back. He then wailed in pain. Charles then shouted to him.)
Charles: There's no point in trying
Damien: Who are you?
Charles: Look at your arm
Damien: Tell me who you are!
Charles (looking serious): Look..at..your arm
(Damien looked down and saw his left arm being restrained.)
Damien (in shock): What the hell is up with my arm!
(Charles and Damien then heard a loud sound as The Voice was coming into the scene)
Voice: Welcome
Damien: Why are we here!
Charles: I don't know how long we've been here...
Damien (sharply interrupts): Just tell me where the fuck we are!
Voice: Welcome, candidates. You've been hand-picked to part-take in this game...
Damien (interrupts again): I don't want to play your sick games!  
Voice: You have no choice
Damien: Screw you, you can't make us do thi... (Both Damien and Charles gets simultaneously get a strong electric shock)
Voice: Interrupt me again and you'll both pay with your life, meaning that none of you will have the chance to escape.
Charles: I understand
Damien (after a moment of hesitation): Fine, I understand
Voice: If you look in front of you (they both turn to look in front of them), you will notice that theres a gun in the middle of the room. As you can see its placed in a contraption,which will open after ten minutes.  
Charles (scared): What...
Voice: Pay close attention. The aim of the game is to convince the other person to let you kill them. If a decision has not been made by the time the five minutes is up, then you'll both die. Do you both understand.
Damien (angered): This is madness (he slams his fist)
Charles (in a reassuring manner): Come on, lets go along with it, theres bound to be a way for both of us to get out of this.  
(We then hear the Voice chuckle to himself)
Voice: The rules of the game. As the timer counts down, I will say either a location, a date or a person. You will then have to state what this thing means to you. Now, if any of you think about lying, you will notice that the chain, which is connected to your left wrist, will shorten in length for each time you lie. The game will now begin...  
Charles: Please man, I have a family and so much to live for
Damien (shouting): I'm only sixteen, I haven't even lived my life out! (his suddenly jerks back)
Voice: No, you was born on the 10th of December 1998, making you nineteen years old as of two weeks ago.  
Damien (shocked): How on earth do you know that!  
Voice: I'm not the one who's answering questions
Charles: Why would you lie!
Damien: I wanna live man!
Charles: Do you think I don't, I told you I have a family and you know I'm clearly not lying.
Damien: Get of your high horses, screw you
Charles: Fuck me, no fuck you, you tried to play me
Damien: I don't need to take this from you
Voice: This is all fun and games, but this is boring me. What happened on the 10th of the 12th, 2016.
Charles: I was at work that day, I believe and I remember I got a phone call from my wife, she got mugged by a man with a knife
Damien (under his breath): Oh shit... (then Charles put his free hand to his forehead)
Charles: What do you mean? (repeat 2x)
Damien: Look I'm sorry...
Charles (enraged): There's no fucking way, I don't care if you're sorry. You mugged my wife, you traumatised her. She hasn't been the same since. I hope you experience the same type of pain that I've been through.
Damien: You don't know me
Charles: I don't want to know you, you're fucking scum
Voice: What does Brighton mean to you?
Charles (still angry): I recently moved there
Damien: I've lived there my whole life
Voice (partially laughing): Maybe you're closer than you think
Charles (still angry): Oh fuck off! What sort of sick, deluded and deranged person are you to do this to us
(Both Damien and Charles get electrocuted)
(Damien yells out in pain)    
Voice (angered): This is your last warning, next time you will die. (Pause for two seconds) Do you understand me!
Charles (begrudging): Fine
Damien (punching the ground): Ok
Voice: Linda Powell
Damien (angered): Don't you dare talk about my fucking mum , you bastard!
(Charles keeps quiet as his complexion starts to fade)
Damien: What the fuck is wrong with you? Who do you think you are talking about my mum!
(Damien continues to scream at the Voice, Charles was sitting in silence. Damien then notices that Charles hasn't reacted in any way)
Damien (suspicious): Why are you so quiet Charles, answer me... tell me charles!
Charles: Me and your mother... may have had a thing in the past
(Charles' arm was then jolted back by the chain)
Damien (angered): You lying cunt! So how the fuck do you know my mum!
Charles: Calm down... calm down...
Damien (still angered): I don't want to calm down, how do you know my fucking mum?
Charles: Ok, look rel..
Damien (furious): Just tell!
Charles: Ok, I...
Damien (angered): Just fucking tell me!
Charles (begrudgingly): We...uhhh... we're seeing each other
Damien (snapping): What do you mean, you're seeing her, she's married (pause)...
Charles: Sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen
Damien: How long?
Charles: What?
Damien: Did I fucking stutter, how long have you been seeing her?
Charles: A year and a half
Voice: We're running low on time. Even though this is extremely enjoyable. What happened on the 4th of May 2017
(Damien's face goes blank and he looks down)
(Charles starts sweating and breathing heavily)
(Damien looks over at Charles and put two and two together)
(The timer then beeps. They both looked up at the box to notice that it was now unlocked. Charles and Damien to get to the box, however, Charles had beat Damien to the box, he got the gun and had gone up to Damien.)   
Damien (pleading for his life): No please, I beg... I'm too young too die
(Charles had pulled to the trigger to only see that it wasn't a real gun)
(Voice then starts laughing)
Voice: Ha, the gun was always fake. Now you seen that both of you are awful people, who have both inadvertently affecting each other’s lives you would not have noticed this but I have those cameras all around the room and this event has been livestream to everyone you know and care about, showing them how truly disgusting people you are. You are are now free to leave and face the consequences for you actions  
(The screen then fades out)
Single Camera Drama
Script Outline

Two people wake up in an unknown location. Unbeknownst to them, their lives are at stake and all depend on completing the objective. This objective consists of one of the captives convincing the other to end their life by telling them things about their own life (they have to convince the other person that their life is more valuable). However, the person holding them captive punishes them every time they lie, by lessening the length of the chain on their arm, meaning that their chances of obtaining the weapon are considerably lower. As the timer counts down to release the gun, the voice will interject with places, dates and names. Both of the captives have to reveal their dark secrets.
The Voice
Protagonist and goal:
Damien and Charles - Do anything to heighten their chances of survival by killing one or the other.
The Voice - His initial intentions are to torture them mentally, however it is later revealed that his true intentions are much deeper  
Shooting Location:
Adam’s bedroom

It will be set in an unknown location where there is only a table and a gun available.
Main Plot Points
Opening and closing scene: It starts with a black screen lasting for approximately 2 seconds, and then shows Damien and Charles waking up handcuffed to a wall. Both protagonists notice that their left arm is shattered, whilst their right arm is handcuffed to wall with the chain is 20 inches in length.
The Game Script
(The screen was fading from black as Damien was slowly waking up. He woke up and looked around his environment)
Damien (feeling a bit dozy): Ahh...where am I...
(Damien was rubbing his head and then started looking around. He felt like it was time for him to leave)
Damien: I need to leave this place
(Damien tried to move but was pinned back. He then wailed in pain. Charles then shouted to him.)
Charles: There's no point in trying
Damien: Who are you?
Charles: Look at your arm
Damien: Tell me who you are!
Charles (looking serious): Look..at..your arm
(Damien looked down and saw his left arm being restrained.)
Damien (in shock): What the hell is up with my arm!
(Charles and Damien then heard a loud sound as The Voice was coming into the scene)
Voice: Welcome
Damien: Why are we here!
Charles: I don't know how long we've been here...
Damien (sharply interrupts): Just tell me where the fuck we are!
Voice: Welcome, candidates. You've been hand-picked to part-take in this game...
Damien (interrupts again): I don't want to play your sick games!  
Voice: You have no choice
Damien: Screw you, you can't make us do thi... (Both Damien and Charles gets simultaneously get a strong electric shock)
Voice: Interrupt me again and you'll both pay with your life, meaning that none of you will have the chance to escape.
Charles: I understand
Damien (after a moment of hesitation): Fine, I understand
Voice: If you look in front of you (they both turn to look in front of them), you will notice that there’s a gun in the middle of the room. As you can see its placed in a contraption,which will open after ten minutes.  
Charles (scared): What...
Voice: Pay close attention. The aim of the game is to convince the other person to let you kill them. If a decision has not been made by the time the five minutes is up, then you'll both die. Do you both understand.
Damien (angered): This is madness (he slams his fist)
Charles (in a reassuring manner): Come on, let’s go along with it, there’s bound to be a way for both of us to get out of this.  
(We then hear the Voice chuckle to himself)
Voice: The rules of the game. As the timer counts down, I will say either a location, a date or a person. You will then have to state what this thing means to you. Now, if any of you think about lying, you will notice that the chain, which is connected to your left wrist, will shorten in length for each time you lie. The game will now begin...  
Charles: Please man, I have a family and so much to live for
Damien (shouting): I'm only sixteen, I haven't even lived my life out! (his suddenly jerks back)
Voice: No, you was born on the 10th of December 1998, making you nineteen years old as of two weeks ago.  
Damien (shocked): How on earth do you know that!
Voice: I'm not the one who's answering questions
Charles: Why would you lie!
Damien: I wanna live man!
Charles: Do you think I don't, I told you I have a family and you know I'm clearly not lying.
Damien: Get of your high horses, fuck you man (puts his middle finger up)
Charles: Fuck me, no fuck you, you tried to play me
Damien: I don't need to take this from you, suck your mum
Voice: This is all fun and games, but this is boring me. What happened on the 10th of the 12th, 2016.
Charles: I was at work that day, I believe and I remember I got a phone call from my wife, she got mugged by a man with a knife
Damien (under his breath): Oh shit... (then Charles put his free hand to his forehead)
Charles: What do you mean? (repeat 2x)
Damien: Look I'm sorry...
Charles (enraged): There's no fucking way, I don't care if you're sorry. You mugged my wife, you traumatised her. She hasn't been the same since. I hope you experience the same type of pain that I've been through.
Damien: You don't know me
Charles: I don't want to know you, you're fucking scum (he then spits towards Damien)
Voice: What does Brighton mean to you?
Charles (still angry): I recently moved there
Damien: I've lived there my whole life
Voice (partially laughing): Maybe you're closer than you think
Charles (still angry): Oh fuck off! What sort of sick, deluded and deranged person are you to do this to us
(Both Damien and Charles get electrocuted)
(Damien yells out in pain)    
Voice (angered): This is your last warning, next time you will die. (Pause for two seconds) Do you understand me!
Charles (begrudging): Fine
Damien (punching the ground): Ok
Voice: Linda Powell
Damien (angered): Don't you dare talk about my fucking mum, you bastard!
(Charles keeps quiet as his complexion starts to fade)
Damien: What the fuck is wrong with you? Who do you think you are talking about my mum!
(Damien continues to scream at the Voice, Charles was sitting in silence. Damien then notices that Charles hasn't reacted in any way)
Damien (suspicious): Why are you so quiet Charles, answer me... speak now, you little bitch!
Charles: Me and your mother may have had a thing in the past
(Charles' arm was then jolted back by the chain)
Damien (angered): You lying cunt! So how the fuck do you know my mum!
Charles: Calm down... calm down...
Damien (still angered): I don't want to calm down, how do you know my fucking mum?
Charles: Ok, look rel..
Damien (furious): Just tell!
Charles: Ok, I...
Damien (angered): Just fucking tell me!
Charles (begrudgingly): We...uhhh... we're seeing each other
Damien (snapping): What do you mean, you're seeing her, she's married (pause)..
Charles: Sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen
Damien: How long?
Charles: What?
Damien: Did I fucking stutter, how long have you been seeing her?
Voice: We're running low on time. Even though this is extremely enjoyable. What happened on the 4th of May 2017
(Damien's face goes blank and he looks down)
(Charles starts sweating and breathing heavily)
(Damien looks over at Charles and put two and two together)
Damien (enraged): You fucking prick, you did it... you bastard, you did it!
(Charles starts panting and panicking)
Damien (still enraged): You're the monster, who raped my sister
(Charles tried to speak, but can't get the words out)
Damien (still enraged): I am going to fucking kill you and I don't even need that gun
(The timer then beeps. They both looked up at the box to notice that it was now unlocked. Charles and Damien to get to the box, however, Charles had beat Damien to the box, he got the gun and had gone up to Damien.)   
Damien (pleading for his life): No please, I beg... I'm too young to die
(Charles had pulled to the trigger to only see that it wasn't a real gun)
(Voice then starts laughing)
(The screen then fades out)
Production schedule: 

Location & Risk assessment:

Filming location: The entirety of the filming will be conducted within a bedroom. The reasoning behind this is because we believe that it will be the best space as it will allow us to have enough space to record different angles, along with the fact it will be an ideal location for filming.

Risk assessment: There aren't many risks whilst filming, however, one of the main risks is that the room (although is relatively big) is still a confined space, and there is the possibility to trip over and fall into a wall or piece of equipment. 

Daily shooting script:

Day 1: Rehearsing lines and shooting the first few scenes 
Day 2: Shooting the remaining scenes 
Day 3: Wrapping up with filming and reviewing footage
Day 4: Re-shooting if necessary 


Adam Edmonds as Damien & The Voice
Noah Tomlins as Charles
Terrel Bygrave as the cameraman

Equipment / props: 

iPhone 8  
Fake gun 

Health & Safety
If the chains are tied up, then it could hurt the actors

The film that I had done is The Game, I created this with Noah Tomlins and Adam Edmonds. It was a short film about two people that were kidnapped to an unknown location. Unbeknownst to them, their lives are at stake and they have to depend on an object to save them. We had created the three characters, Damien Powell, an aggressive teenager who has nothing to live for. Charles, a grown man, and a businessman. The Voice, a psychotic man, that puts Charles and Damien through problems. I played as Charles; I personally showed Charles to be an emotionless guy, that acts like he has given up on things. I personally think that I portrayed Charles alright; however, I think that I was a bit too emotionless in some scenes. Whilst recording, we decided to change up somethings in the script; however, the script wasn’t edited and went with it along the way. During editing, I had to add some of Noah’s audio, due to him playing as the voice. In turn, it made the short film even longer and it leaded to the film going from being 4 minutes and 50 seconds, to 6 minutes and 30 seconds.