Tuesday 21 November 2017

Unit 22 Single Camera Drama

Add to your short film:

  • Synopsis 
  • Script
  • Cast List
  • Prop/Costume List
  • Response to Brief
  • Evaluation  
  • Individual edit
  • Initial Ideas 
  • Storyboard (Shots, sound, duration etc.)
  • Production Schedule (Dates +Contingency) 
  • Personnel
  • Location Report
  • Risk Assessment
  • Copyrights/ Permissions
  • Shooting Script

Friday 13 October 2017

Assignment 5.1

Working to a Brief in a Creative Media Sector

Films has an effect on the behaviour on the audiences in many ways; and it also helps the ways the media industry work because their point is to engage people (mainly children because they are easy to influence) in any sort of way. They can do this on popular TV shows this is to, make an issue look different (probably in a good way), promoting something, challenge a person's ideology and/or to make give a different look to good things (such as charities). I'll be looking at the different types of briefs and explain them; I will then talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the each and every different types of briefs.

Image result for charlie sheen two and a halfContractual: When the media industry make a new project (such as films and television shows), actors (when choosing a part for a film or a television show) would have to agree to working to a brief; a main favourite type of brief that they would use in the media industry is Contractual, this is mainly due to the owners making them get to agree with everything that they are getting. This is good because it helps the actor tie down to a role and get money for their acting; however it isn't guaranteed that the actor would get everything that they need from it, and they disagree with somethings but the contract would disallow them to do what they would want to do and they end up having a contract dispute. The directors can just tie them down to and (technically) can control the actor. A good example of this was Charlie Sheen, when he acting on Two and a Half Men; he had a contract dispute with the directors, demanding for a raise, Chuck Lorre Production had decided to terminate his contract and made his character die, they then added Ashton Kutcher to become a leading cast member in the show. However, before he had demanded for a raise before the contract dispute with the company; he had negotiated a new contract with the company and had decided to give him a two year contract with him earning $1.78million.

Negotiating: When the media industry make a new project (such as films and television shows), they would usually would try to get actors that they like in the film/ TV show; they would try to contact them and they would start negotiating contracts with them. This would be good because it shows that the actors are interested in the project; this also helps the production company because it helps the producers know that the actors are interested in the role that they had been offered, this is by agreeing to a contract. However, it is also bad because it's not guaranteed that the actor would join their film/TV show because they can get a better offer from a different company and can agree to that. A good example of this is when Leonardo Dicaprio was close to playing Spider-Man in 2002 and Sony had agreed a contract with him, however they had thought that he couldn't play a role in the film because of his 'good boy image' and decided to go with Toby Maguire instead.

Formal: When the media industry make a new project  (such as films and television shows), usually on the contract it would be formal (when it is sent from a company). This is good because it helps the company tie the actors to a contract and them agree terms in a professional way; this also means (for the actor) that they would work under the company for their project (films/television shows). However, it could be bad because it the actor might not like the project that their under contract for and they wouldn't be able to leave the production because of their contract. Sometimes, the actors would ridicule their film after finishing filming and releasing the film (this is because they're no longer under contract). A good example of this is, Jim Carrey with Kick Ass 2, he played as Colonel Stars and Stripes; after finishing production, he then said 'He couldn't a film that has that much violence'. He showed that he didn't agree with the aspects from the film.

Informal: When the media industry make a new project (such as films and television shows), usually on the contract it would be formal, however sometimes the company (mainly smaller companies) could send in other ways; this is through e-mail and letters, usually it would use informal language (like slang). This would usually be done through things like one line emails/ verbal contracts just saying that they have to do something or just that they have gotten the job; unlike formal contracts informal uses slang or incorrect language to tell their employee what they had achieved. However, this makes it easier for the actor/employee to leave their job because they don't really have a 'literal' contract.

Commission: When the media industry make a new project (such as films and television shows), usually on the contract the clients and the representatives that help the company find employees. This is good because it is an easier way to find people for their job. So when a film company are making a new film they would usually try to find actors; however, with the client they can find actors that are good and would suit the role that they want. This is also good because it save a lot of time and it would be easier to everything. However, this could also be bad because the actors that they might want for the role might not want to go for that role or maybe that job at all and the company might want have to find an actor for the role that they don't want.

Competition: When the media industry make a new project (such as films and television shows), usually on the contract, it could be open to the public and it would be used on a wide range of people to do it. This is usually done for new employees to the job (mainly new recruits for the job that have inexperience); after the business would see which one is the best out of all of them and would pick them. This would be good because it helps the company to find a good new recruit for their job, it is also faster for them to do; but at the same time it would be long to do and it would take hour to find a good person for their job (this would also be longer if they are a big company), and also the winners can get a prize or a monetary reward. If a film company decides that they want to do a competition brief for their actors; they would have to see who fits best for their role (mainly by doing auditions), and if the company is trying to find big time actors then they it would be harder to do.

Tender: When the media industry make a new project (such as films and television shows), usually on the contract, it could be open to other companies; after they receive the brief they can go to the client so they can vi for the work. Like, competition, they would pick the best to work for the job and work under the client. This would be used for them to develop their ideas and to create their product; so for the company, the business would have to compete for the role. This is good because for the company it helps the company because it helps them find an actor that is suitable for that role; it would also be good to help the company find a good actor for the role.

Co-Operative: When the media industry make a new project (such as films and television shows), usually on the contract, it could help for two companies (like Colombia and Paramount Pictures) to work together and work on the same assignment. This would be done for different kinds of skills, like (for example) one company may not have the expertise to complete the assignment and can't do it themselves. But, when there is a tight deadline, if there is more than one company doing the work then they could get it done faster.                                

Thursday 21 September 2017

Children of Men - David

Children of Men
Beginning Scene:

Spoken Dialogue: This sets the tone of the film through the news report, this is because it talks about the death of the youngest man (Diego Ricardo, he was 18 years old) in the world was reported and it had shown how sad and emotional the movie will be. It also shows how much the world has changed due to infertility, and that the human is close to extinction. It also shows that the world is going to turmoil as the human race is going extinct (through infertility). It also establishes the main character (Theo) because he was the only one to speak in the opening scene.  

Music: The only use of music during the beginning scene is when the news report shows the birth year and the death year of Diego Ricardo which at a point, violin starts to play slow and soft tune which helps not only fit the mood of the situation but also shows the genre of what you can expect from the rest of the film.

Sound Fx: There was naturalistic sounds like cars crashing and citizens crying/screaming, this gives off a sense of what it's like to be living in the time of the news breaking out. When the explosion occurs it gives off a sound effect that the public experiences with the explosion causing a ringing sound effect going off. The ringing sound effect is from the main character's perspective and lets us experience the situation from his perspective and makes us feel one with the main character.   

Tuesday 19 September 2017


Single Drama: A single drama is broadcasted on live television, however it's only broadcasted once; and it is usually only a representation of real life. It is usually based on topics or issues that are appropriate for television than in contrast to the cinema. An example of a single drama is 'My Murder', this was released in April 2012 and it was based on an actual murder that happened in real life, it aired on BBC One for an hour. The main topic of the single drama was the murder of Shakilus 'Shaki' Townsend, who had fell in love with a girl but had was killed by her boyfriend and his gang.

Serial: A serial is a television show that presents a storyline, it is usually described as serialisation from a book or a specific event. A serial is usually broadcasted once and it usually isn't an hour long, however it can vary from 1-3 episodes. An example of a serial is 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D', this series is about the agents that work at S.H.I.E.L.D, and it shows what they do behind all of the superheroes fighting crime. The main topic of the serial, is that they do the work behind the scenes (of all the superheroes).

Series: A series is a programme that is broadcasted regularly, mainly weekly. This consist of stories that are separated or split down to a certain amount of episodes. It usually consist of the same character and situations, it would be used to tell different stories within each and every episodes. A series will contain the same title, however this will take place after all the episodes come to an end. An example of a series is 'Friends', this was a TV series that ran from 1994-2004; the series was set in New York that are trying to achieve their goals in life.